iERA’s four day all inclusive educational retreat will empower you to grow in knowledge and build a deeper connection with Allah.

Students will come face to face with all the facets of Islam - from understanding and learning the prayer to figuring out how to apply Islam in your everyday life.

  • ​Learn the basics of Islam
  • ​Learn how to overcome challenges
  • Learn and understand how to pray
Why give a donation?
As a direct result of this noble effort iERA is able to:
  • Train people how to effectively lean Islam.
  • Write design and distribute educational materials.
  • Teach ​new Muslims how to pray.
  • Organise campaigns, events and deliver lectures.
  • Engage in international New Muslim support work.
How far do my donations actually go?
​iERA help share the beautiful message of Islam in over 100 countries with our team of 100 specialists. ​
We've traveled to villages in Namibia, Botswana and Tanzania to share Islam with local nomadic tribes.
As well as taught thousands how to pray in MexicoArgentina and Philippines to name but a few.
How do I get involved?
Is there a good deed better than teaching people Islam? 
The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, "He who follows a path in quest of knowledge, Allah will make the path of Jannah easy to him". 
Copyright © 2022 iERA is a registered charity in England and Wales (no. 1134566) and a 501(c)(3), tax-exempt charitable organization registered in the United States (EIN 81-2173650) - All Rights Reserved